
As per UP Govt. Ordinance No. 06 of 2018, the fee for the session 2019-2020 will be charged in the following components:

  • 1. Prospectus & Registration fee
  • 2. Admission fee
  • 3. Composite Annual fee (Annual charges + tuition fee, computer fee, insurance, Exam fee have been clubbed)
  • 4. Optional Fee Component : Transport and any other similar activity.
Fee Heads Proposed Fee 2019- 2020
Registration & Prospectus Fee (from New Students) 100
Admission Fee (from New Students) 10000
Optional fee component i.e Bus fee extra (per month)
Local (0-5 Km) 864
6 to 10 km 972
10 to 15 km 1080
More than 15 km 1296
Installment Date of fee deposition Up to Class V Up to Class VIII Class IX & X Class XI Class XII
1st (Apr-2019) upto 10 Apr.19 2322 2970 3402 4500 4800
2nd (May -2019) upto 10 May.19 2322 2970 3402 4500 4800
3rd (June-2019) upto 10 June.19 2322 2970 3402 4500 4800
4th (July-2019) upto 10 July.19 2322 2970 3402 4500 4800